I'm returning to an issue explored on n/g before - that of the best way
(under Vista) of enabling a program to directly access system-level
functions (e.g. system date/time set).

I had made the decision to just run the thing as Administrator (I think the
words "sod it" exited my lips <g>), and turned to Setup Builder to modify
the installer accordingly.

But when I reached (what I think is) the appropriate SB Help section re.
"embed Vista manifest", I hesitated, because the help seems to indicate that
I still haven't got the idea of this right!
I was thinking that I could just get SB to install my program with
Administrator privileges (regardless of the logged in user) ... but the help

Requested Execution Level

[in] Specifies the minimum execution level required by your application
for running on Windows Vista platforms. This parameter can be one of the
following values:

asInvoker- [etc]

highestAvailable- [etc]

requireAdministrator-Application runs only for administrators.
Recommended for administrator only applications.

The application should run only for administrators, must be launched
with a full administrator access token, and will not run correctly in a
standard user context. This requested execution level marking is reserved
for pre-Windows Vista applications that require the user to be a member of
the local Administrators group.

Hmm.. now what I take that to mean is that even if I embed it with the
'highest' level (i.e. requireAdministrator), if the logged user who is
running my program does *not* himself have Admin status, then my program
will FAIL on those parts that require Admin (i.e. those very
system-manipulating parts of the program that I am trying to cater for)!!

In short: no matter how I embed the manifest, my program can not do any
system-level stuff unless the logged user has admin (or the admin password -
which defeats all security purposes).

Shorter: what I want CAN'T BE DONE....?
