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Thread: Remove Installer After...

  1. #1

    Default Remove Installer After...

    I have a web update file built with SB6. Works great! One observation. In the testing phase I set "Remove Installer After Successful Installation" to "Yes". It worked as expected. After testing was finished, I changed that setting back to "NO" and recompilled the update installer.

    However, the update installer, after changing the setting and recompilling STILL deletes itself after the install is either completed or cancelled. Is it possible that the "Remove" flag is being set correctly but does not get "unset" when the checkbox is removed in the Advanced Settings section of the General Information Visualizer?

    Am I missing something?

    -O. D.-

  2. #2

    Smile Re: Remove Installer After...

    More information. Clicking "Remove Installer After Successful Installation" in the Advanced Settings Visualizer will place a line in the script that sets the $SB_ALWAYSREMOVEINSTALLER$ to a value of "1". Unchecking the setting in the Advanced Settings Visualizer does NOT cause the script line to revert back to a value of "0".

    However, clicking on the line in the script and unclicking the checkbox makes the SB6 built EXE installer no longer remove itself.

    Maybe this is working as designed and maybe not. Only you can answer that question. Meantime I have my installer exe working the way I wanted it to.

    -O. D.-

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Remove Installer After...

    Hmm, the "Remove Installer After Successful Installation" checkbox in in the Advanced Settings Visualizer does definitely NOT place any line in the script!

    You can check this. Create a new project (New -> Empty Project) and then mark the above checkbox. It does not add any script line!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Remove Installer After...


    I assume you have used the "Web Update Wizard" to create that project. The Wizard will automatically add the following "Set Installer Flag" function to the script (line 36):

    ! Always remove installer
    Set Installer Flag $SB_ALWAYSREMOVEINSTALLER$ to "1"

    If you don't need the self-removing feature for your web update, just remove (or comment-out) that line.


  5. #5

    Smile Re: Remove Installer After...

    AHA! Now I know what happened. I saw the results of one test and assumed it was the result of another test. I DID turn on Web Installer at one point and later turned it off. Next I went to the Visualizer and turned ON the Remove Installer Flag. The installer worked as expected. I then went back to the Visualizer and changed the Remove Installer to a value of "NO".

    However, the script Remove Installer line that was created by the Web Install setting was STILL in the script. I wrongly assumed that the undesired Remove Installer line had been placed there by the visualizer.

    I am producing my own version of a Lindersoft Guideline manual that contains the "WHY" and "WHEN" features of SB6. Your manual is excellent at explaining the "HOW" but does not cover enough why and when for my feeble brain.

    For example, if I don't document what you have said in your two posts above, I'll make the same mistake again later. Several times. Over a period of years!

    You see, I have a trick memory. It "tricks" me several times a day! I can repeat a lot of the dialogue lines from the six Star Wars movies even though I have made no effort to memorize them. Remembering that Web Update automatically puts a Remove Installer line in the script BUT that the Remove Installer line in the Visualizer does NOT, is just too much for my brain. I have to keep notes on things like that.

    Thanks for your prompt reply.

    -O. D.-

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