
SB6 can't seem to do code signing today. It happens, but I have two issues
that are exceedingly frustrating. One I have pointed out before has the
potential for data loss.

Given this error, whatever it may mean:

Adding Digital Certificate (Preprocessor)...
Compiler error GEN1053: Code signing process failed. Error Code: 1, or 2

The IDE looses most of its include scripts. I sent you a screen shot of this
some time ago. The data loss occurs if one is not paying attention and saves
the script in that state. You're left with a crippled mess that is only part
of its former self.

The second issue is the error messages themselves. If you have them
documented, please point out where. If they are not, they need to be.
Searching through newsgroup posts or message board pages for this kind of
stuff is time consuming and counterproductive. I am perfectly happy to attempt
working through this stuff myself, but I need something more than meaningless
numbers to do it.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,


Why waste time learning when ignorance is instantaneous?