> Using SB 6.51953


Do you have access to a computer with XP and Internet Explorer 6 or W2K PRO
and Internet Explorer 6?

Comodo support is great about working with you when you don't get your key
saved properly the first time around, and will give you instructions on how
to go back through the process.

I went though a similar thing myself - I started the order process in Vista
thinking the Comodo order form handled Vista correctly, but as you found
it, it doesn't.

IMHO, it would be better to access a computer with XP and Internet Explorer
6 or W2K PRO and Internet Explorer 6 and follow instructions from Comodo
Support to save your separate certificate and private key files - then you
can use a Microsoft util program to create a pfx.

Here are some helpful instructions from the Association of Shareware
Professionals on code signing PAD files AND converting keys and
certificates to PFX format.




From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online