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Thread: SetupBuilder Suggestion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Bangkok, Thailand

    Lightbulb SetupBuilder Suggestion

    Call it a feature request or suggestion but what I would really like is the ability to add a file to a setup executable after it is compiled. I know this is a weird request but here is the rationale: I have a product that is copy protected and uses license information that we encrypt into a file. If this file could be incorporated into the installer rather than appearing as a separate file, it would make it easier to distribute.

    What I have in mind is being able to insert a placeholder file into the script and be able to control where the file is installed just like any other compiled-in file. Then there would need to be some process that our fulfillment folks can use to incorporate the license file into the installer.

    Obviously, we can accomplish the same functionality using the separate license file and that is what we do now. Incorporating it would mean that the customer could not separate the two and we all know that anything a customer CAN mess up, they will.
    There are 10 kinds of people: those who understand binary and those who don't.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: SetupBuilder Suggestion


    Thank you for your suggestion. But unfortunately, this is absolutely impossible from the technical point of view. SetupBuilder compiles native Windows executables. So adding a file after the compilation process would be similar to adding "code" to a Visual Studio or Clarion generated .exe after the compilation.

    And on top of this, such a scenario would break your code-sign signature. You compile the setup.exe and code-sign it. Then you manipulate the .exe and bang, invalid code-sign signature


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: SetupBuilder Suggestion

    BTW, some weeks ago, we finished a consulting project that does similar things. A customer purchases the product, the server automatically generates the license file and compiles it (with the SetupBuilder command line compiler) into the setup.exe.


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