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Thread: Installation on Windows 7

  1. #1

    Default Installation on Windows 7

    I guess I am missing something but I do not know exactly what it is.

    I am using setup builder and it is working perfectly. I have been in contact
    with Friedrich and he has tried to help.

    I am installing to windows 7. I do NOT want require the user to have
    elevated privileges.

    The program is installing in C:\Program Files (x86)\Company Name\Application

    I am installing the data files in CSIDL_PERSONAL\Company Name\Application

    I have been told that this incorrect. That my installation is not UAC
    compliant. I guess ignorance is bliss, I thought it was compliant. I did not
    even know I was doing it incorrectly. The installation appears to match up
    with Global Properties > Clarion ini file options.

    I am embedding a manifest per Global Properties > App Settings > Application
    Manifest. The manifest is set as invoker.


    What is wrong with what I am doing exactly?
    How should I be doing it?
    And lastly does anyone have an example setup builder script, which installs
    some sort of small application with data files that works correctly for
    windows 7?

    The frustration level is through the roof.

    Thank you for your time.

    Tim Frost,

  2. #2

    Default Re: Installation on Windows 7


    Just curious, who/what is telling you your approach is wrong?

    It looks proper to me, for whatever that is worth.



  3. #3

    Default Re: Installation on Windows 7

    > Just curious, who/what is telling you your approach is wrong?
    > It looks proper to me, for whatever that is worth.

    I said that <g>

    Friedrich Linder

    SetupBuilder is Windows 7 installation -- "point. click. ship"

    -- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

  4. #4

    Default Re: Installation on Windows 7

    My bad. Looks like I will have to re-read those articles I thought I
    understood ;-)


  5. #5

    Default Re: Installation on Windows 7

    > My bad. Looks like I will have to re-read those articles I thought I
    > understood ;-)


    Well, Friedrich goes into great detail in another message -

    essentially when using per-user information such as CSIDL_PERSONAL location
    for app data - can't use the install to place data there because of over
    the shoulder install problems - then Friedrich gives the solution.

    "Per-user information has to be "initialized" when you launch the asInvoker
    application for the first time. For example, you install the data to a
    "global" location and when your application is launched for the first time,
    copy the files from the global location to the per-user location.

    Remember that you never know how many profiles exist on a machine. So this
    approach works well even if a new Standard User is created."

    Then, each User Account (Administrator OR Standard accounts) starts with
    the proper information for the program in the CSIDL_PERSONAL location.


    From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.9 - Encourager Software
    Product Scope 7 Viewer - NO Registration Fee! Free to Use!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Installation on Windows 7

    > My bad. Looks like I will have to re-read those articles I thought I
    > understood ;-)

    <G> Software development isn't fun anymore <g>.

    It took more than two years to do all the UAC research and development for


    Friedrich Linder

    SetupBuilder is Windows 7 installation -- "point. click. ship"

    -- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

  7. #7

    Default Re: Installation on Windows 7

    Sure it's fun!

    It just ain't for sissies anymore <G>


  8. #8

    Default Re: Installation on Windows 7

    > I guess I am missing something but I do not know exactly what it is.
    > I am using setup builder and it is working perfectly. I have been in contact
    > with Friedrich and he has tried to help.
    > I am installing to windows 7. I do NOT want require the user to have
    > elevated privileges.


    You described fairly well the overall technique you're using, but you
    didn't tell us specifically - what is failing.

    Also, couple things -

    The installer must be elevated so it can write to the C:\Program Files area
    and install your Clarion program to that area - or are you referring to the
    Clarion program when it runs?

    Also, don't use this reference - C:\Program Files (x86)\ in the actual
    SetupBuilder dialog - use C:\Program Files\ instead - when a 32 bit program
    is installed in a 64 bit OS - Windows will assign it to the x86 area.

    Use this list to from Lindersoft to help you. Click on the 3rd message in
    the message thread

    Are you placing your ini file in the CSIDL_PERSONAL\Company
    Name\Application Name folder?

    Download the CHM version of this blog for further help - help topic -
    Program Install Techniques

    Product Description - App Data UAC Safe, MFG - Encourager Software
    Internet Link -

    Lastly, hang in there - ask more questions - you'll soon have success - and
    we have all been there at one point -

    some of the most successful Clarion developers have asked some very basic
    questions when they were learning to do UAC compliant installs and
    successful UAC techniques for Clarion programs.


    From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.9 - Encourager Software
    Product Scope 7 Viewer - NO Registration Fee! Free to Use!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Installation on Windows 7

    If the installation machine has data protection turned on, and UAC, then
    everything under "Program Files" becomes read-only once installed. This
    is to protect programs from being modified by malicious software.
    Therefore, only data that should not be modified should be installed in
    that subtree. (Like images, PDFs, etc.)

    Where to put volatile data depends on the nature of the data, whether
    the app is installed for a particular user, or "all users", whether this
    is a business environment or home, etc. User-specific volatile program
    settings normally go into "%appdata%\Roaming\company\app" or
    "%appdata%\Local\company\app", which are specific to each user.
    Settings for all-users normally go into C:\ProgramData\whatever.

    Databases could go basically anywhere except "Program Files". Size
    would probably be a consideration. Access authorization could be a
    consideration. I would not normally put a database of substantial size
    in a "settings" folder, but a small one I might.

    This should give you some idea.

    Phil Carroll

  10. #10

    Default Re: Installation on Windows 7

    Assuming you want to use standard CSIDL locations, I probably should
    have listed:


    Phil Carroll

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