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Thread: Windows position

  1. #1

    Default Windows position


    ich use SB for internet updates. On update time the user get a message he have
    to close the application. On closing my application the user get a messagebox
    "you want to close the app?". But the apps messagebox is behind the SB
    webupdate messagebox. Any idea how to move the SB Window or my messagebox to an
    other location?

    if GLO:ExitMeldung = 1
    CASE MESSAGE('Möchten Sie das Programm wirklich
    beenden?','Beenden',ICON:Question,'&Ja|&Abbrechen' ,3,2)
    OF 1 !Yes button
    OF 2 !No button

    I find no option to give a messagebox a fixed location.

    Thanks much


  2. #2

    Default Re: Windows position


    > ich use SB for internet updates. On update time the user get a message he
    > have to close the application. On closing my application the user get a
    > messagebox "you want to close the app?". But the apps messagebox is behind
    > the SB webupdate messagebox. Any idea how to move the SB Window or my
    > messagebox to an other location?
    > if GLO:ExitMeldung = 1
    > CASE MESSAGE('Möchten Sie das Programm wirklich
    > beenden?','Beenden',ICON:Question,'&Ja|&Abbrechen' ,3,2)
    > OF 1 !Yes button
    > OF 2 !No button
    > cycle
    > END
    > END
    > I find no option to give a messagebox a fixed location.

    What you can do is, you can try the MSGMODE:SYSMODAL equate in your app
    (style parameter in the Clarion MESSAGE command). This kind of message
    boxes have the WS_EX_TOPMOST style flag set.

    Hope this helps.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Windows position

    Hello Friedrich,

    sorry i´m not a good coder. Could you tell me exact what i have to do?

    Thank you very much


  4. #4

    Default Re: Windows position


    > sorry i´m not a good coder. Could you tell me exact what i have to do?

    As I understand it, you have this now:

    MESSAGE('Möchten Sie das Programm wirklich
    beenden?','Beenden',ICON:Question,'&Ja|&Abbrechen' ,3,2)

    Parameter #6 in the Clarion MESSAGE() command (see help file) is the "style"
    parameter. Add the MSGMODE:SYSMODAL equate in this style parameter (it's
    set to 2 = MSGMODE:CANCOPY at the moment) to make it system modal.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Windows position

    Hello Friedrich,

    i have changed to 1 but how i can move the window default location with that?

    Best regards


  6. #6

    Default Re: Windows position

    Hello Kai,

    > i have changed to 1 but how i can move the window default location with
    > that?

    Windows does not support this for message boxes. You can't change the
    position - Windows does it automatically.

    MESSAGE() is a wrapper around the MessageBoxA Windows API.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Windows position

    Hello Friedrich,

    ok, thanks very much for help.

    Best regards


  8. #8

    Default Re: Windows position

    > ok, thanks very much for help.

    You are very welcome, Kai!


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