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Thread: Compiler Error GEN1060 (Language Resource file)

  1. #1

    Default Compiler Error GEN1060 (Language Resource file)


    I'm running sb7.5.3378 (developer).

    My machine recently crashed so I had to reinstall setup builder. When I execute some of my sb7 scripts, I get an error (right at the end of the process) that says:

    "Compiler Error GEN1060: Cannot find language resource file information: 1033"

    And compilation aborts.

    What is this, and how can I fix it?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Compiler Error GEN1060 (Language Resource file)


    That means the (English) text resource file can't be linked. This file is dynamically created in the CSIDL_APPDATA\Lindersoft\SetupBuilder 7 folder.

    I would suggest to check if this is caused by a bug in your protection software.

    Hope this helps.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Compiler Error GEN1060 (Language Resource file)

    Thanks for responding.

    It is a weird problem because on some projects it does work.

    I have a medium sized project that compiles fine. However, if I try to compile a larger project I get the error about the language resource file. Once I get that compiler error, I can't compile the medium sized project anymore as I start getting get the same error.

    I have to close SetupBuilder, restart it again and then I can compile the medium sized project again.

    However, I can't compile the larger project no matter what.

    Any other ideas?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Compiler Error GEN1060 (Language Resource file)

    Hi again,
    Thanks for responding.

    The problem seems more complicated than just a permission issue (btw, I'm using windows XP).

    I have a medium sized setup project (called "Darwin Setup") which compiles fine. I can compile it any number of times. I have a larger project (one that makes a backup of the whole Clarion6 folder) which gives me the error.

    After I try to compile the "clarion6" project, SetupBuilder no longer is able to compile the "Darwin Setup" project giving the same error. If I close SetupBuilder and reopen it, then I can compile the "Darwin Setup" project again.

    Any further ideas?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Compiler Error GEN1060 (Language Resource file)


    Maybe there is a problem with your text resources? Try to refresh or update the text resources and then recompile. Of course, make a .sb7 backup first

    Hope this helps.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Compiler Error GEN1060 (Language Resource file)


    Just curious, what kind of protection software are you running?

    IMO, your problem is either caused by a "damaged" project file (e.g. your system crash destroyed the database) and/or your protection software product.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Compiler Error GEN1060 (Language Resource file)

    Hi again,

    I'm using NOD32 as my antivirus software.

    I tried refreshing and updating the string resources but that didn't work either. I keep getting the same error at the end of the compile run.

    Could this have something to do with the project being a large (about 3.3GB) project?

    I'm running under windows XP. I ran another antivirus (avast) this morning to check if there was a virus infection, but it turned out fine.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Compiler Error GEN1060 (Language Resource file)

    Hi Edgard,

    Quote Originally Posted by elriba View Post
    Could this have something to do with the project being a large (about 3.3GB) project?
    I would suggest to make a backup of the project file and then comment-out the "Install File(s)" functions. Then recompile -- if it still fails then it's not caused by the size of the project. If it does not fail, then it's caused by the size.

    If you are interested, please keep us posted here.


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