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Thread: Can you set 'Run as Administrator' in a SB7-installed menu shortcut?

  1. #1

    Default Can you set 'Run as Administrator' in a SB7-installed menu shortcut?

    In a Vista (and, I assume, Windows 7) menu shortcut, it is possible to set a 'Run as Administrator' bit in the shortcut ('Advanced' button on the General tab leads to a dialog allowing you to set this). Is it possible to set this when SB7 creates menu shortcuts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Can you set 'Run as Administrator' in a SB7-installed menu shortcut?


    First of all, you should not set the "Run as administrator" compatibility mode. Don't do this! If your application really needs administrator execution level privileges (and in fact, it should not) then you have to embed an UAC-aware manifest into your application.

    See "#embed UAC manifest..." compiler directive in SetupBuilder.

    BTW, why does this application needs administrator execution level privileges? By default, it should only run non-elevated.

    Okay, but to answer your question <g>: "Run as administrator" is not a Windows Shortcut function. You have to set this via "compatibility mode". The "Set App Compatibility Mode..." script function can handle this for you. But again, it is not recommended to do this at all! #1 priority should be to convert this .exe into an UAC-aware Windows 7/8 compliant application. Compatibility mode (and non-UAC-aware legacy applications in general) will result in a support nightmare sooner or later.

    Does this help?


    Friedrich Linder

    SetupBuilder is Windows installation -- "point. click. ship"

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