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Thread: How do I use a subscription key to make updates available for 1 yr from install date

  1. #1

    Default How do I use a subscription key to make updates available for 1 yr from install date

    I have a product that my company wants to create a subscription for.

    What they want to have happen is ...

    One Year from the Date they install... No more updates can be implemented.

    Can you show me how to do this with a code sample?

    Thanks, Kathy

  2. #2

    Default Re: How do I use a subscription key to make updates available for 1 yr from install d

    You could get the Install program to write the date to a registry Key.
    And then the Update program can compare this registry date with today's date and if the difference is more than a year, stop the update.

    This would be a very simple system and if you have technical users they could bypass it. But for my users, this would be OK :-)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: How do I use a subscription key to make updates available for 1 yr from install d

    Well, the customer licenses your software and you give free updates and upgrades for, say, one year (or 30 days or 180 days or whatever). After that period, the customer has to pay again to get updates (subscription based update model). A date written to the registry can't handle this scenario <g>

    With the powerful Subscription-Key Protection feature in SetupBuilder, you can quickly generate "Subscription Keys" to protect your installations and updates. This technology is well suited for software subscription services in which the end-users subscribe, for instance on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, etc. basis.

    At the end of the subscription period, end-users will have the option of extending the subscription or simply continuing their current version. But end-users will no longer be able to utilize product updates released after the subscription expiration date/version. With setupPROTECT, the subscription renewal is easy and simple. You only have to send a new "Subscription Key" to your end-user.

    Similar to SetupBuilder itself. The initial purchase of your new SetupBuilder license includes a Bronze, Silver or Gold Maintenance and Support Subscription under which you are eligible for support, upgrades and updates. The Bronze Maintenance and Support Subscription will expire 60-days from the initial date of your new SetupBuilder license purchase. The Silver Maintenance and Support Subscription will expire 6-months from the initial date of your new SetupBuilder license purchase. The Gold Maintenance and Support Subscription will expire one (1) calendar year from the initial date of your new SetupBuilder license purchase. If you wish to continue your eligibility for these services, you must pay a renewal fee before or at the time of the expiration of your current Maintenance and Support Subscription. The renewal of your annual Maintenance and Support Subscription will extend (for another 12 month beyond the expiration date of your current subscription) your eligibility for support, upgrades and updates.

    If you choose not to renew your subscription, you will be able to continue to use the versions, which were released prior to your subscription expiration, but your license does not include future versions of the product.


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