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Thread: How do I...?

  1. #1

    Default How do I...?

    [Friday, January 14, 2005 8:08 AM]

    I thought I'd pose this question to you all in case one of you has an idea,
    and can save Friedrich some time answering my queries!

    What I want to do is check that a condition is met - that a filename
    provided in a 'Location Dialog' contains a certain word - as soon as the
    'Next' button is clicked, and if not show a message box with an alert then
    and there. When 'OK' is clicked on the message box the user is returned to
    the same 'Location Dialog' to input the correct data.

    Cheers for any help,

  2. #2

    Default Re: How do I...?

    [Friday, January 14, 2005 2:44 PM]


    Please try the following (or use see attached 5.0.1014 script). If the
    filename does not include 'USA' it shows a message box with an alert and
    then the user is returned to the same 'Location Dialog' to input the correct


    ! Wizard dialog definition(s)
    Define Wizard Dialog: #1 (Welcome)
    Define Wizard Dialog: #2 (Select Install Folder)
    Define Wizard Dialog: #3 (Ready to Install)

    ! The Wizard Loop displays the dialog screens that the user sees in the
    Loop Wizard
    Handle Wizard Events()
    If %_SB_DIALOGID% Equals "2" Then
    Set Variable %CHECKVAR% to Upper(%_SB_INSTALLDIR%)
    Set Variable %RESULT% to InStr(, %CHECKVAR%, "USA")
    If %RESULT% Equals "0" Then
    Message Box "Filename does not contain USA! Try again." -- "Error"
    Set Focus to Control ID $DESTINATION_EDIT1$
    Cycle Loop


    Does this help?


    Friedrich Linder
    Fax: 1.954.252.3910

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