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Thread: Installing SQL Express

  1. #1

    Default Installing SQL Express

    Currently our application will be installed on multiple workstations - I have that handled pretty well. We are pre-installing .net redistributable if necessary and that works well.

    We need to install SQL Express once per network - if not already present. Currently we copy the Microsoft Install to the DVD and let the user click it if necessary.

    My question is would we be better served in terms of ease of use and professional appearance to install the SQL redistributable as an optional in Setup Builder?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Installing SQL Express


    What about an option in the install. For example, a dialog that displays two radio buttons:

    - Workstation Install
    - SQL Express Install (Network)

    Then, depending on the selection, do the workstation or network install from your setup.exe.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Installing SQL Express

    That might work. Would that be handled in the "Features" section or Setup Types?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Installing SQL Express

    You can handle this via "Features" or a simple "If Statement".


  5. #5

    Default Re: Installing SQL Express

    I want to give the users two options:
    1. Install application.
    2. Install SQL server.

    If I use the Features will that give the user radio buttons to click?

    If I install SQL server I'm going to do a command line installation. I assume I can execute a command from Setup Builder that will install SQL.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Installing SQL Express


    You can do both exclusive options or multiple selections. If you would like to provide exclusive options, you can display radio buttons. If you would like to provide multiple selections, you can use checkboxes.

    You can use Features and then enable/disable it programmatically (based on the radio/checkbox values). Absolutely no problem.

    You can do command line installations from within your install without any problem. In fact, all redistributable installations are command line (behind-the-scenes) installs.

    Does this help?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Installing SQL Express

    BTW, if you are interested in a 'quick and dirty' example on how to do the Features stuff, just let me know and we'll create an example project for you (exclusive radio options or multiple checkbox selections?).


  8. #8

    Default Re: Installing SQL Express

    An example would be great.

    We're trying to decide the best way to go but the easiest will probably be a check box for each.

    Because it might take very long to download SQL from the internet we were going to include SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU on the installation disk. Will I have to copy that to the user's hard drive or can I run it from the disk?

    This is our command script:


  9. #9

    Default Re: Installing SQL Express

    I set up Features and Setup Types to choose app, SQL, or both. Now I need to "wire them up" so the selected options are installed.

    So I created:

    If Feature "SQL Server" selected Then
    Run i want to run a command from the installation media - don't know if this is possible...do I have to copy the command & SQL files to the destination computer first??? If so I might just tank this entire attempt and just have the users hit SQL from the CD prompt if they want to install SQL...

    Elseif Feature "application" selected Then
    create folders
    install files
    create shortcuts

    Else (both)....... I get lost here....I don't want to copy the 30 or 40 files I'm installing into this if block along with the SQL command....is there an OR condition???***or can I have a setup type list that is check boxes instead of radio buttons. that would solve this problem.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Installing SQL Express

    After setting up my features and types I don't see anything in the script that would indicate conditional installation based on type selection. I need to install and/or run a command; not sure where to do it.

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