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Thread: SetupBuilder and Code-Signing

  1. #11

    Default Re: SetupBuilder and Code-Signing

    Thank you Friedrich !
    I found more information when reading on and notably the update download link for the sign tool, but nothing about the legal stuff.



  2. #12

    Default Re: SetupBuilder and Code-Signing

    Hi Everybody!

    Well, I just got through the process of getting my certificate reissued with SHA2 encryption. My cert was 2 years old, and I had an interesting problem that I'd lost my original private key text file (pvk). I still had my .pfx file, which has the private key info rolled into it...so here's what I did:

    Comodo only gives you the cert part. And OpenSSL on the PC was too hard for me to figure out.

    I used a tool from DigiCert ( https://www.digicert.com/util/ ) to import my old .pfx file on my new computer.

    Then I imported the new certificate from Comodo, and the DigiCert utility said "Missing PVK information". It then offered ot search this computer to repair/complete. It found the key file information in my original .pfx file from two years ago, and Wah-Lah! I could export the new certificate as a working complete PFX. I also was able to use the tool to export a split PVK and Cert file from my original .pfx. Very handy! all I needed to remember was my password, which I'd spraypainted on the side of my house so I wouldn't lose it. (Just kidding. I spraypainted it on an interior wall, like all my passwords. I'm very security minded! )

    To give credit where credit is due, and also if people need to go ask about making a new pfx...I saw mention of that DigiCert tool on stack overflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6...nd-private-key

    Our setup is all compiled and I'm testing it now. DAYS before the due date! It's a Christmas miracle!! (We really get behind in this place. )
    - Dee Dreslough, Sports Mogul Inc. Long time SetupBuilder user.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: SetupBuilder and Code-Signing

    Hi Dee,

    WOW! Very interesting. Thanks so much for sharing !!!


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Georgia, USA

    Default Re: SetupBuilder and Code-Signing

    My certificated does not expire until June. If I renew early to make sure I get through the process, do I lose time on my cert or do they add 3 years from the current certificate's expire date?

    Is there any problem with waiting until the cert expires or will that create more work in verification?


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: SetupBuilder and Code-Signing


    If you request a code-signing certificate then you'll always get a new one. There is no "renew" for certificates. Request a new certificate 10-14 days before your "old" certificate is due to expire and you "should" be on the safe side (but no guarantee).


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