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Thread: Free DLL + Source Code: Get User Group Membership

  1. #1

    Default Free DLL + Source Code: Get User Group Membership

    [Monday, January 24, 2005 8:25 AM]

    I've been anxious to move from WISE to SetupBuilder for quite some time. I
    removed one of the remaining barriers to doing so by porting some WISE script
    code to Clarion.

    I am making this code available to anyone here that would like it. The
    download contains the Clarion source project, DLL, and an SB5 script to test
    it with. The compiled script is in the UserGroupsTest directory, so you can
    test it without recompiling the script, or the Clarion project. If you modify
    the SB5 script, you will have to change the Support File path to
    InstallFunc.dll to reflect its location on your system.


    MemberOfGroup( *cstring ), long, pascal

    InstallFunc.dll exports the function above. Its cstring parameter is the name
    of a Windows user group for which you wish to determine membership of the
    current user. MemberOfGroup() performs case insensitive match of incoming
    user group name with local groups to which the user belongs. It returns True
    (1) for a match, False (0) for no match, and (-1) if an error occurs. This
    makes determining if the user is in an arbitrary group trivial from SB5.

    GetOSVersion(), long, pascal

    This may be in SB5 now, but I need to determine the specific Windows platform
    under which an install is being performed. GetOSVersion() returns a numeric
    constant representing one of the following as defined in
    Some of you may find a use for this in your own work outside of SB5. If you
    haven't seen this done before, you may be surprised at how easy it is.


    Caveats: MemberOfGroup() is NT4/2K/XP centric. I no longer maintain a 9x/ME
    box for testing, and am generally not impressed by the large numbers of those
    OS installations that survive. It may work, though.

    This implementation only handles local groups. That is, those on the local
    machine. I don't currently have a need for global group membership
    information, but it would be easy to add.

    While the 9x/ME thing makes everyday use of this impractical for many,
    there's less than 500 lines of code to the whole thing, and it contains work
    that some folks may find interesting. Something that was particularly fun for
    me was dealing with the Unicode strings required of the Netapi. It turns out
    to be quite straightforward for this bit of work.

    My humble thanks to the Hillbilly that helped me with the crucial bit of
    pointer manipulation that slipped by me. May it rain pizza on his porch every
    day. :}


    Best regards,


  2. #2

    Default Re: Free DLL + Source Code: Get User Group Membership

    [Monday, January 24, 2005 11:35 PM]

    The InstallFunc package was modified earlier today to make the following

    Function added:

    EnumGroupMembership( long, *cstring ), long

    This function allows building a list of all groups to which a user is a
    member. The example script was modified to demonstrate its use, although
    simply displays each group name in a message.

    EnumGroupMembership() is called within a loop in your SB5 by passing it two
    SB5 variables; a 1 based counter that is incremented by the script, and a
    variable to hold the group name returned by each call. EnumGroupMembership()
    returns True (1) when another group name is available and it should be called
    again, and returns False (0) when no more group names are present. You should
    break the loop and it returns False.

    GetOSVersion() as renamed to rsc_GetOSVersion(), as the original name was too

    Best regards,


  3. #3

    Default Re: Free DLL + Source Code: Get User Group Membership

    [Tuesday, January 25, 2005 5:26 PM]


    Very interesting code. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge!


    Friedrich Linder
    Fax: 1.954.252.3910

  4. #4

    Default Re: Free DLL + Source Code: Get User Group Membership

    [Tuesday, January 25, 2005 5:48 PM]

    >Very interesting code. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge!

    You're welcome, Friedrich. You may not recall that you helped me in a huge
    way several years ago with cryptx. It sits at the base of my licensing system
    and is crucial in a number of other places I use it. I haven't forgotten your
    generosity. :} Now when I pester you to make SB better, just remember that's
    the price you pay for being so nice. ;}

    Best regards,


  5. #5

    Default Re: Free DLL + Source Code: Get User Group Membership

    [Tuesday, January 25, 2005 6:37 PM]


    Unbelievable. This was five years ago. Time flies when you are having fun


  6. #6

    Default Re: Free DLL + Source Code: Get User Group Membership

    [Wednesday, January 26, 2005 6:14 AM]

    There was one last addition to this package today.

    Function added:

    EnumGroupMembershipEx( *cstring ), long

    This function places all groups to which the user belongs into the passed
    cstring. The string is formatted for use as a variable parameter to an SB5
    combo dialog.

    The sample script was modified to demonstrate this. It is used in the dialog
    set after the other function call tests.

    Best regards,


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