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Thread: Open OptionalFeatures

  1. #1

    Default Open OptionalFeatures

    I need to prompt the user to install .NET 3/3.5 on Win10 which can only happen via the \System32\OptionalFeatures.exe panel. I can't get SetupBuilder to launch that .exe, I get a 'File not found' error when debugging this... is it a disallowed thing to do this? I can do it by distributing the .NET resdist installer, and that runs, calling the OptionalFeatures panel. It's fine I guess, just want to know if I can call that .exe directly.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Open OptionalFeatures


    perhaps you are trying to run it in the wrong directory? If your installer is running in 32-mode then it will access the 32-bit Windows folders. Perhaps you are trying to start a program from the 64-bit system folders and so you have to switch the installer into 64-bit mode before doing this.

    Does this help?


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