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Thread: How Far Back?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    CA, Unitedd States

    Question How Far Back?

    I have a question:

    How far back can SetupBuilder Developer go on the development machine? Another way of phrasing this question is what is the absolute oldest version of windows that the current SB10 will run on? I"m considering moving my SB install to a dedicated machine that's running an older version of windows and don't want to waste my time setting it all up if the SB app won't run on it. further thanks to my external HDD crashing a few years ago, I lost all my old SB archives going as far back as v7.2 (what I'd do to get all those legacy builds back)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: How Far Back?


    SetupBuilder 10 works fine with Windows XP. But of course, this very old Windows version does not support SHA-2 code-signing. So only SHA-1 signing is possible. This is a Windows XP limitation and has nothing to do with SetupBuilder ;-)


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    CA, Unitedd States

    Default Re: How Far Back?


    Thanks for the help on this one :-) I just thought I'd move all my install work to a dedicated machine where the SetupBuilder IDE can use more resources without having to compete with everything else (e.g. forced windows 10 updates, all my line of business apps, etc.) I have a video I had to McGiver a video recording setup on in the works but I just need to get it uploaded to the YouTube... it's coming soon on the subject of " Creating Web Installs" so be on the look out for that -)

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