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Thread: What happens when I code-sign an installation?

  1. #1

    Question What happens when I code-sign an installation?

    I have a couple of .sb6 projects:

    a) a full installation of my software which installs a .exe and a few .dll files and assorted other stuff.

    b) a service pack installer which patches the .exe and some of the .dlls and replaces others (which are less security-crucial)

    I am planning to apply the code signature in both.

    Question: does this change my own executable which is being installed, or does it change the installer program. [The information must be stored somewhere.]

    If it changes my own program, how can I ensure that future patches will recognise the .exe as being a valid one which can be patched?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: What happens when I code-sign an installation?


    If you use code-signing in your application, then this will change the binary contents of your application.

    If you would like to use the built-in SetupBuilder feature to bulk code-sign your applications, I would suggest to use a "dummy" project to handle this. Just create a "dummy" project using File | New | Blank Script... and use the "#code-sign application" compiler function to code-sign all required application files. Please ENABLE the "Permanent" option.

    Do not use the "#code-sign application" function in your main script in this case!

    Then, when you are ready to build a new installation, compile the "dummy" project first. This will code-sign all defined applications (permanently). Of course, you can also use the Microsoft tools to handle this! Make sure, the files are not already code-signed from a previous compile. Otherwise, the Microsoft Authenticode code-signing tools will fail.

    The resulting modified files are the valid "previous" files if you build the next patch update.

    Does this help?


  3. #3

    Default Re: What happens when I code-sign an installation?

    Yes thanks, that helps a lot.

    I already have a batch file which copies my .exe and .dll files from the folder where Visual Studio creates them, to the folder where they're included in the SetupBuilder installer-creation project.

    If I can create a new stand-alone, code-signing project with SetupBuilder and use it from the command line, I can modify my batch file so it

    copies the files across
    signs the apporpriate ones

    I'll explore using SB6 from the command line - I think I read that it was possible?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: What happens when I code-sign an installation?

    Hi Dave,

    Yes, absolutely no problem. SetupBuilder provides a command line compiler.

    And there are even compiler functions to copy files during the compile (so no need to use a batch file to handle this part).

    If there are any further questions, just ask


  5. #5

    Smile Re: What happens when I code-sign an installation?

    Ok I'll explore this.

    But for now, just let me just check:

    I have created the stand-alone code-signer project. It has one statement - a compiler directive to sign the existing .exe file.

    This indeed happens! Magic! [When I look (using "properties" in Windows Explorer after compiling this project), I can see the signature in my .exe file.]

    Am I right in thinking that the actual exe file which the SB6 compilation produces, is completely surplus to requirements in this case (as everything I want to happen, happens through the act of compiling)?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: What happens when I code-sign an installation?


    Sorry, forgot to mention this.

    Yes, the "dummy" project compiles an application. It's even a fully functional installer application that does not include any file. But you don't need this .exe.

    Just add the following "#delete file..." compiler function and the compiler will automatically remove it:

    #delete file "[OUTPUTDIR]\[EXENAME]" [Post-compile]

    What do you think?


  7. #7

    Default Re: What happens when I code-sign an installation?

    Quote Originally Posted by linder View Post

    Sorry, forgot to mention this.

    Yes, the "dummy" project compiles an application. It's even a fully functional installer application that does not include any file. But you don't need this .exe.

    Just add the following "#delete file..." compiler function and the compiler will automatically remove it:

    #delete file "[OUTPUTDIR]\[EXENAME]" [Post-compile]

    What do you think?

    Great! - I had thought of doing that but wasn't sure it would be safe. Compiling something and telling the compiler to delete the compilation feels a little surreal (but I'm a great fan of surrealism) :-)

    Changing the subject slightly:

    I now have my files-to-be-installed (the EXE and a whole gaggle of DLLs) all code signed by compiling the stand-alone project which I will prevent from giving me an exe as above.

    But going back to my original installer - the proper one which installs all these code-signed files - presumeably I can code-sign the installer itself by codesigning its [OUTPUTDIR]\[EXENAME] (post-compile)?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: What happens when I code-sign an installation?

    Hi Dave,

    Don't use [OUTPUTDIR]\[EXENAME] in your "real" installer Just in the "dummy" project.

    Please use "General Information" -> "Digital Signature" to sign your installer. This will also code-sign the uninstall (important for Vista and Windows Server 2008 machines).

    Does this help?


  9. #9

    Thumbs up Re: What happens when I code-sign an installation?

    Brilliant! Thank you.

  10. #10

    Cool Re: What happens when I code-sign an installation?

    Just a coda:

    I have a batch file which copies my .exe and lots .dlls from the Visual Studio folder where they are compiled, to a folder used by setupbuilder to create the installer.

    I have appended to the batch file a line of the form

    start /wait sbuilder.exe /c %projdir%\codesign10.sb6

    where codesign10.sb6 is the project referred to above which just code-signs the copied files when it compiles and produces no installer.

    They are now all ready to be used by the SB6 installer project proper.

    This works a treat - I just wanted to say how impressed I am (oh yes, and to use the icon to say how "cool" this is) :-)


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