
Dynamic Scan monitors your system as you execute an application, automatically determining which 32-bit DLLs and OCXs (dependency files) are used by the application. This is only to help you find out which dependency files are called. You (as the developer of the application) have to decide which files have to be redistributed. And you should never ever redistribute any "system" file from your own system because there might be a difference between operating systems.

For example, the penusa.dll component is the Microsoft USA Handwriting Input UI. You application (or a component used by your application) calls into this dll. So the question is, do you really have to redistribute that file and do you have the rights to distribute it. Only you, the developer, knows the answer.

Or dwmapi.dll. This is a Window Manager API from Microsoft Corporation belonging to Microsoft Windows Vista. You application makes use of this on Vista but it does not mean that you have the right to redistribute it nor does it mean that your application needs it to run (e.g. on XP, etc.).

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