Well, I certainly appreciate the response but I have to say that, unless I'm missing something, this discourages me from buying SB. It encourages me to stay with my old copy of IS-Express.

That had a much more 'turnkey' approach to installing a VB app. At the beginning of a new project you checked off that it was a VB app and IS did a lot for you automatically. I did have to manually select any support files unique to my program, but it completely and transparently handled anything else that was 'core' to a VB6 application.

Still - I haven't quite written off SB; can you provide me some reasons why I should go with SB over IS? Please keep in mind my approach is 'keep it as simple as possible'. Although I've sold my software products on the internet for years, I am actually not by profession a programmer and do not delight, as some people do, in working in intricate detail or doing 'power' things. I want to distribute my products the fastest and easiest way possible.

Thanks a lot,
