
First of all, thank you for responding to my question so quickly (and on the weekend), as you often do. If you ever need a testimonial on service response and quality for your product, just let me know.

I thought that since I could check/uncheck the "Enable Web Installation" and cause the uninst_XXX.exe to be installed or not (with that single change) that it was a setupbuilder issue. I tested the notepad install that you provided and it works correctly in all test conditions too.

Based on your example, it's likely that I'm doing something in my script to cause this. My install/uninstall are code-signed, but I doubt that would have any impact on the circumstance that I'm seeing, but still, clearly a place for me to look first.

Thanks for sending the sb6 file, I'll compare it to what I'm doing and let you know what I find out.
