I did a search on the internet and found several references to the commandline program CACLS.EXE

So I messed with it and managed to get it to do what IO wanted.. i.e. Set the access properties for the SHAREd folder I had just created

I was able to call a commandline batch from within SB6 with this line..

cmd.exe /c c:\a\sb6a.bat

The sb6a.bat contained ...
ECHO Y| cacls C:\a\SB6tst /E /T /C /G "Everyone":C

where C:\SB5tst was the shared folder

This worked fine with no user intervention by piping in the Y

But later I thought, perhaps I need to try again using the SB inbuild "Set Access Control" now that I could see what CACLS was doing.
Figuring that the SB was probably using CACLS, I tested with the inbuilt SetAccessControl function and left the DOMAIN field blank and set username to everyone.
VOILA -- It works great! No need for the batch file, no need for the commandline call.
