Hi Arnor

Great, thanks for that... great information.


I have been unable to resolve an issue where I installed an app using SB6 and
installed a settings file ( ZZZsets.tps )to the CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS

When the user runs my program, it seems it does not see the ZZZsetts.TPS file in that

This is in a SBS (Small Business Server) corporate networked environment and I have
been advised by their tech support guy that:-

"SBS is redirecting your (and everyone else's) DOCUMENTS directory so im not sure how
this ZZZ app will cope with the differences? Ive got a feeling that the paths are hard
coded into the app and if the paths are different, then the app may not work?"

So it looks like SB6 running elevated finds the correct CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS folder,
but when the program runs under a user account, CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS and
CSIDL_PERSONAL seem somehow both mapped to only the CSIDL_PERSONAL folder.

Does anyone know if it's possible in SBS to re-map CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS to
CSIDL_PERSONAL for non-admin users? If so, then perhaps I need to try
CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA and hope that it is not re-mapped like this.

John Griffiths