
No, you are not pushing the limits <bg>.

You can load a const# from the command line and then set the compiler
variable to the #const value.

For example, you have the [SOURCEPATH] compiler variable in your source
path. Then add the following in the code (e.g. "Initialize Setup" section
or before).

#const $SOURCEPATH$ = Get Value from compiler command line
#set compiler variable [SOURCEPATH] = $SOURCEPATH$
Set Variable %SOURCE% to [SOURCEPATH]

Then call the setup compiler from the command line with:

sbuilder.exe /C "c:\test.sb5" /SC SOURCEPATH "c:\test"

This will set [SOURCEPATH] to c:\test at compile time.

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5