> I have had the change on all PC's in all OS here over the years.
> It could be a good 'Poll' to get the knowledge about how many really
> can use the new one - And even better to get an explanation to why
> some cannot use the new including a solution.

I estimated (based on support request figures and previous polls) that the
"new" PKEY.EXE works for at least 97% of all SetupBuilder users. The "old"
one (dated 2006) did not work as expected for about 20%-25% of the
SetupBuilder users (caused by modifications in the SetForegroundWindow API).

The Microsoft tool SignCode.exe does NOT support password passing via the
command line at all. You always have to enter the password manually if
SignCode.exe is used. We have developed the PKEY.EXE service tool to try to
inject the password for you during the compilation process.

If another program has focus and PKEY.EXE cannot "steal" the (keyboard)
focus from that app, then password injection fails. If PKEY.EXE cannot
switch focus to the SignCode.exe password entry field then it's not possible
to inject anything. And if PKEY.EXE was able to switch focus over to
SignTool but loses it again during the injection phase then it's possible
that not all password characters can be passed and code-signing will also
