Hi Geoff,

> Our C7 installs worked great with the /S option when running the install,
> but now with the option presented (i.e. C7 or C8) I'd like to preset the
> version (on the command line) and then use a function to set the
> %ClarionDirectory% without presenting the user with an option (in silent
> mode).
> To achieve this:
> 1) (This is not crucial, but would be helpful.) I'd like to detect if the
> install is running in silent mode. Is there an internal variable or
> function I can test for this?

Yes, you can use the following to check if the installer is running in
silent mode:

If %_SB_INSTALLERFLAG% Equals "1" on Position "$SB_SILENTMODEFLAG$" Then
Display Message Box "Silent Mode Active" -- "" [non-silent]

> 2) What is the best function to use to set the %ClarionDirectory% without
> displaying the Clarion Env detect display tab (which is what we've been
> using)? (the examples I found use a function to detect the name of the
> clarion exe, but I'd need just C:\Clarion8, not
> C:\Clarion8\bin\clarion.exe). If this is not an option, I guess I could
> write a function to remove the \bin\clarion.exe off the end, but seems
> clunky.

The new "Handle String Operation (Extract Root Folder)" should extract the
correct root folder for you.

For example:

Set Variable %TEST% to "C:\Clarion8\bin\clarion.exe"
Set Variable %MY_ROOT% to FUNCTION:Extract Root Folder(%TEST%)

MY_ROOT should hold C:\Clarion8 here.

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows 7 installation -- "point. click. ship"

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