> BTW, your screenshots shows two completely different locations for code-signing. ... "General Information" ... pre-processor code-signing

That was my problem. Carl fixed bad settings in the #code-sign in my script. But then I still get an errors.

> 1. The timestamp server is not available from your Win7 machine for this file (your anti-spyware or anti-virus is buggy and does not let Authenticode access the Comodo or VeriSign timestamp server).

Now I seem to have this problem frequently. Carl wrote a BAT file to run SignCode and I see it returns the error:
"Error: TimeStamping Failed. Result = 80070020, (-2147024864)"

He tweaked his SignCode parms to have "/tr 3 /tw 3" so it does 3 tries with a 3 second pause. With the pause in that works everytime....in the BAT file. After that SB seems to work. But it has to do 3 signnings (APP EXE,Uninstaller,Setup.exe) and I see it fail a lot on the Uninstaller.

Googling the TimeStamping error I see some mention that its a timing issue under Win 7. That some process or thread has locked the EXE file, so the /t errors. It makes sense that retrying 3 seconds later would work.

Is there a place in SB to let me tweak the SignCode parms to add these "/tr 3 /tw 3" parameters?
Another fix I saw was to sign without timestamp, then run signcode again with the "/x" switch to timestamp only. I have not tried it.

I run SB on a network drive, maybe that is part of the timing issue. My AV is Symantec Endpoint Protection.

Do you have any suggestions for me and the 80070020 error?


PS: Carl suggests that SB have a "Test/Debug SignCode" feature that generates a BAT file containing the parms (but not password) and during the Compile process runs the BAT file and waits for it to finish.
Like this with a pause to see the results:

@echo SetupBuild SignCode Debug
@echo Signing Command: Signcode.exe  /tr 3 /tw 3  /a sha1 /spc X:\dir\cert\MyCredentials.spc /v X:\dir\cert\MyPrivateKey.pvk /t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll X:\app\MyECFMail_setup.exe
@IF not exist  X:\dir\cert\MyCredentials.spc ECHO Cannot find file:  X:\dir\cert\MyCredentials.spc
@IF not exist  X:\dir\cert\MyPrivateKey.pvk ECHO Cannot find file: X:\dir\cert\MyPrivateKey.pvk
@IF not exist  X:\app\setup.exe ECHO Cannot find file: X:\app\setup.exe
@echo You will need to enter the signing certficate password in the popup window
Signcode.exe  /tr 3 /tw 3  /a sha1 /spc X:\dir\cert\MyCredentials.spc /v X:\dir\cert\MyPrivateKey.pvk /t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll X:\app\setup.exe
@echo Please note the result of SignCode