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Thread: Windows Vista

  1. #1

    Default Windows Vista


    I have been trying to stop all of the popup windows in vista when running my application.

    So far I have been able to run the program ok and have also code signed it so it at least pops up with our company info each time. But I would like to get rid of the popup all together.

    I have embed both a windows manefest and code signed the main application.

    What are the steps to make this work.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Windows Vista


    I think your application still performs actions for which you must have administrative privileges (e.g. write to HKLM registry key, save data in the Program Files folder, write to the Windows folder, etc). I would suggest to check the UAC whitepapers on MSDN.

    See our SetupBuilder 6 IDE. It's classified as Mixed User Application - it can run as a Standard User or Administrator on Vista! Only very specific features require admin execution level privileges (e.g. Web Update execution).

    Does this help?


  3. #3

    Default Re: Windows Vista


    The program and data files are installed into its own directory and does not update the registry or any part of windows.

    Do I have to install into a specific directory for the programs now to stop the message?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Windows Vista


    If you don't write to the HKLM key and if you don't update the Program Files and/or Windows folders and subfolders, then your application asks for resources (e.g. privileged API calls) which require administrative privileges.

    The only way to find out is the new version of the Application Verifier Tool and Limited User Account (LUA) Predictor Plug-in to determine whether an application has administrative dependencies. This will record all privileged operations encountered by your application (this includes registry/file system access and privileged API calls).

    Does this help?


  5. #5

    Default Re: Windows Vista

    I noticed that a standard user cannot use my program at all because it does not have the correct access levels for the data files. Is there any way to correct this problem?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Windows Vista

    Hi Greg,

    Where do you have your data files?

    If your app does not work in Standard User mode then it asks for resources which require administrative privileges.

    BTW, this is an application design issue, not an installation problem. Your installer should request "requireAdministrator" exeution level, but your app should only request "asInvoker" execution level.

    Does this help?


  7. #7

    Default Re: Windows Vista

    What folder should I be installing by data files in now?

    I have always used a folder called arbwin for the programs and arbwin\data for the data files.

    So I am assuming this will not work in Vista?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Windows Vista


    User data, templates, and application-created files should go into a \Users\Username subdirectory.

    To make data available to any user, you can store the files in the CommonAppDataFolder. You can also create your own folder (e.g. c:\mydata)


  9. #9

    Default Re: Windows Vista

    I noticed if you install to the users appdata folder you have full access and don't need to codesign or anything.

    Installing into other directorys you run into permission problems.
    Do you now of a common data folder that is not restricted?


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