Hi Friedrich,

sorry to bother you once again... but I have the strong suspiction that there IS an "IF" evaluation bug...

step 1: Install File (<some file from local machine> to <some file on target machine> [Feat:xy] (Patch)
step 2: Set Variable <my internal error catcher variable> to &_SB__ERRORCODE% (--> action to make sure that NO not-visible-SB-internal-action would change this value in between somewhen, someelse, somehow...)
step 3: IF <my internel error catcher variable> does not equal 1 or 2 (it doesn't), then ...hulahula... End

The block between "...hulahula..." and "End" IS executed even if <my internel error catcher variable> does not 1 or 2.

There is no IF...END mess in my script, everything is evenly balanced (even the SB8 "Script Structure Validation" gaves me the absolution)...


thanks ahead,
regards André