Yes, I'm thinking about something like that... but I need to check on
the server to see if it's updated.. then not run our software so the
files don't get messed up, or just autorun the updater so it will
download and update the latest version.

I just need to figure out where the server is. Right now I'm just
changing the shortcut to point to the data (on the server), but my
program really doesn't know where the data is..or does it?

I'm thinking I may be out of luck for this strategy until I implement
ProPath. That way I'll know exactly where the data is, and can check to
see if the server program (exe) was updated... I really need to do
that..I'm just afraid of messing up my current customers. The older I
get, the more careful I get, which kind of slows me down.

Thanks for the idea,
