Hi Friedrich,

I tested a few scenarios using Korean characters and did not achieve success.

1. Attempted to set text identifier to 이 게임을 실행하기 위해서는 CD를 드라이브에 넣거나 EA Link에 로그인 해 주십시오 (random Korean characters pulled from one of our existing localization files). It did not display directly-- rendered as ????? EA Link ????

2. Attempted to add an rtf file named with korean characters ( 스크린세이버.rtf ) to my installation. It was not recognized (showed up as 0 bytes and 'not found' when I attempted to compile.)

Without Unicode support it looks like we are not going to be able to use SetupBuilder. It's a shame as I think you have a high-quality product in other respects. The only other non-open source products I am considering (given our requirements) are Tarma ExpertInstaller and InstallAware. Don't suppose you have a recommendation in choosing between those two

thanks for your time,
