
> Exactly what Lee said!

Of course <g> :-)

> The UnInstaller works great!
> However, when I removed the databaseserver from being a Windows Service,
> the file zlibwapi.DLL is still aktive, up and running. The databaseserver
> and all its DLLs are not removed then. I will catch that file also and
> suggest to restart the machine between stopping the Windows Service and
> the uninstall.
> The reason is, that Windows takes a few moments, before it has remove the
> server program from the TaskManagers list, when the Windows Service is
> removed.
> if the Admin would be patiuoent for 30 to 40 seconds, then this
> zlibwapi.DLL would not be active anymore too.

What about using the Sleep() function and give Windows more time. And do
a check for "locked" file(s) in a LOOP with a Sleep command. For example,
LOOP 10 times, always give Windows, say, 4 seconds to release the resources.
If you need help with such a LOOP, just let me know.

> Anyway:
> SetupBuilder is a fantastic tool. It does all what I need and even more!
> You can quote me on that.

Thank you SO MUCH !!!
