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Thread: Issues with files being removed after reboot.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Oklahoma City

    Default Re: Issues with files being removed after reboot.

    Sorry for the delay I needed to research log files from source control to see when and why we removed the backup folder. The decision to delete the backup folder was done in 2013 when we changed the company name. The installer had issues with uninstalling from the previous install directory to a new directory. A backup folder with information that was no longer useable was created and eventually restored when the end user rebooted. The end user was never alerted to reboot so an unusable install directory had large files in a backup folder that were never going to be used or needed. This prevented the folder from being removed completely like an uninstall should have done., When the end user eventually did restart these files would be put back into the old install directory and stay there forever or until the end user manually deleted them. Additional issues thou similar to the above issue. If the end user simply decided to uninstall product and not reinstall it. The backup folder was created with install files that were no longer needed. Same result the end users did not like the files being left behind that were not being used. Nor would I. The final issue is also related to the first but caused many more issues. If the end user upgraded the product it would also create a backup folder. This backup folder would get bigger and bigger because the end user was never told to reboot. 3-6 months later they would reboot and the backup folder would put the old files back into place while leaving many of the new files. This caused many issues. Restoring 3-6 month old files that were no longer compatible not to mention files that may or may not even be useable. At one point we had multiple versions Infragistics DLL’s and other version specific DLL’s. Simply uninstalling the product would not clean up the issue because the uninstall was not aware all of these files were in the install directory. Looking back if we had known we were installing the Infragistics files multiple times some of these issues may have been resolved. Hard to really say that was almost 7 years ago.

    I don’t believe previous install directory has ever worked correctly for us. If the product is currently installed in directory A and we want to install to directory B. The uninstall does nothing to directory A but it does install correctly to directory B. Not sure why that is or what is wrong with the script. I am open to any suggestions to improve our install script.

    I added Infragistics*.* to the exclude, removed the backup delete line, and the WOW registry edits. This appears to have fixed our issue. Hard to say until it goes live but I no longer have the issues on our QA machines.

    Is there a way we can see which files are being installed multiple times?
    Is it as simple as reviewing the uninstall log?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Issues with files being removed after reboot.


    to see which files are being installed multiple times, please check the compiler .htm report. Or send the .htm file to support [at] lindersoft [dot] com and we can tell you exactly which files are being installed (at least two times).


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Oklahoma City

    Default Re: Issues with files being removed after reboot.

    Thanks. Can you see anything wrong with how I am using %PREVIOUSVERSION%? It does not work for us. If the product is currently installed in directory A and we want to install to directory B. The uninstall does nothing to directory A but it does install correctly to directory B.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default Re: Issues with files being removed after reboot.

    As far as I can see, you check for a previous version in Line 176. Are you sure that this code is executed at all and what is the value of %PREVIOUSVERSION% in your test? And are you sure the uninstall is executed in your Line 194? Does your command line /U "[PREV_UNINSTALL_LOG]" /S passes the correct and expected values to the uninstaller? If the uninstall does nothing, then I think it does not even execute and that's why it does nothing.

    BTW, I would not do all these uninstall actions from within the LOOP WIZARD. If I were you I would do it after the Progress Dialog: Display () command.

    And your use of "Wow6432Node" in your registry manipulation is incorrect. Not sure if this already makes a difference if you fix this and then run the deinstallation procedure.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Oklahoma City

    Default Re: Issues with files being removed after reboot.

    If you are referring to the "Wow6432Node" delete of the registry entry that was removed like I stated in a previous reply.

    It does get into the code because %PREVIOUSVERSION% is correct and the wait dialog pops up to tell the end user it is uninstalling the previous version. I believe the issue is with the name of the log file and exe. The current program name is different and it tries to use the new name instead of the old name. If the old program was named Help and the new one is named HelpMe. It is using Uninstall_HelpMe.exe instead of Uninstall_Help.exe. I see why it does not work but I have no idea how to tell it to use the previous name instead of the new one. Plus this is a single installer so only one time would the name be incorrect the rest of the time it would be correct. Maybe it isn't possible. I suppose I could make the uninstall exe and log name generic.

    The only reason the uninstall and .Net framework install is in the dialog loop is because it is the only way to alert the user that something is happening and the installer is still going. Without the wait dialogs the end user wonders what is taking so long.

    I will figure it out thanks for your time.

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