FAQ: What does installer "Error Code#: 0002:0005" mean and what may be
causing this?
ANSWER: The first part of the error code (0002) tells us that the
LoadLibraryA Windows API call to load the "unpacked" high-performance
decompression library (located in the temporary Windows folder) failed. The
return value is NULL. The second part of the error code (0005) is the
return value from the GetLastError Windows API. It returns a typical
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5 (0x5) = Access is denied error.
This most likely means that the system "blocks" your setup (anti-virus
system, anti-spyware system, Windows Defender, etc.) and is caused by a bug
in the protection system.
Friedrich Linder
Lindersoft | SetupBuilder | www.lindersoft.com
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