>> I will say this - when I went through the process - I made some of the
>> classic mistakes - Vista with FF - ......
> On their Knowledgebase Comodo itself says that it it possibble with any
> browser - since June 2007 - but...


July 17 2007 - that is my start date - 3 year cert - so don't believe
everything you read on web sites. :-D

> .... and then a description follows how to act when having ordered with FF.
> (IOW how to fix your FF-mistake <eg>)

Exactly! :-D

> At least codesigning with Comodo is a good reason to have the IE sticking
> somewhere <g>

what is a windows OS without SOME version of IE hanging around?!

> What I do in the moment is to get some founded information about how to
> order a (new) certificate and - most important for me - how to make sure
> to get the desired issuer name into the certificate.
> My first one contains my personal name. I was very disappointed about that
> because I expected my companys name in there. But there is no chance to
> modify it anymore after the purchase. :-(
> Now I am in contact with Comodos support to learn how to make that sure -
> unfortunately support folks tend to answer to the first question of a mail
> only, the rest gets ignored.
> Too bad that this friendly person at Comodo did not even understand my
> first question. Okay, might be my fault.
> I will report about this topic (getting the desired name into the DigSig)
> as soon as I got the response from Comodo.

How it goes MUCH better this time!

One thing for sure - the PRICE is fantastic through:

Product Description - Comodo Code Signing Certificate, MFG - Comodo
Internet Link - http://www.lindersoft.com/order_codesigning.htm


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online
Profile Exchanges - www.encouragersoftware.com/profile/