On 2 Mar 2011 13:23:44 -0500, Dennis_POSAL wrote:

> Our old Help file system and install utility are outdated and no longer
> being supported. Any suggestions?
> Would like somthing that would use our current .HLP files.


While less expensive tools make the initial purchase easier - it's your
investment of time and productivity over the long haul that make selecting
the right "product" AND "company" - a much more prudent purchase.

Both companies are more like artisan or master craftsman who rank as the
best in their field of expertise AND are highly successful - ensuring they
are always state of the art - and available for your future success as

Product Description - SetupBuilder Developer, MFG - Lindersoft
Internet Link - http://www.lindersoft.com/products_setupbuilder_dev.htm

Product Description - Help & Manual, MFG - EC Software
Internet Link - http://www.helpandmanual.com/

It should be noted - both companies and products had very humble beginnings
- AND have kept their operations and product development very lean and
customer responsive - unlike larger companies with bloated, less efficient
products and more lethargic support systems.


From David Troxell - Encourager Software
Microsoft Forums NNTP Bridge - Instructions to use